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Rampurhat secures first runner-up position at the district-level GEM competition

Congratulations to Rampurhat Branch on securing the First Runner-Up position at the district-level GEM (Going the Extra Mile) competition. They have won the coveted prize money worth $ 5000 for their excellent performance! This incredible achievement came after a year of exceptional performance, competing against branches from GMMCO and UTE.

The GEM competition is designed as per Caterpillar framework to recognize and reward retail branches that consistently deliver an enhanced customer experience. We hand-picked five retail branches (Kanpur, Patna, BBSR, Berhampur, and Rampurhat) to participate in this year-long competition.

Throughout the year, these branches engaged in a healthy intra-dealer competition, with their performance being meticulously measured based on key performance indicators (KPIs) like:

  • Safety
  • Responsiveness
  • Ease of Doing Business
  • Retail CX Branch Assessment
  • Rebuild and Equipment Management
  • Customer Value Agreement (CVA)
  • Dealer Dashboard

Rampurhat branch truly stood out among 5 chosen branches by consistently exceeding expectations in all these areas and thereby securing their representation at district level.

Rampurhat not only achieved the coveted 3-star retail branch status, they went above and beyond by:

  • Prioritizing safety, taking a proactive approach to ensure a safe environment for both customers and employees.
  • Providing exceptional responsiveness, ensuring prompt and efficient customer service and achieving TSP 93%
  • Embracing digital transformation, actively assisting customers with all digital platforms and significantly increasing online activated customers to a remarkable 50%.
  • Achieving 100% renewal rate for CVAs.

Rampurhat’s unwavering commitment to providing exceptional solutions to customers in all situations truly embodies the spirit of the GEM competition.

Let's extend a resounding round of applause to the entire Rampurhat team for their outstanding performance! Their dedication and hard work have made Gainwell incredibly proud.

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