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Mr. Sujoy Bannerjee

How Education Benefits Can Drive Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to be motivated, productive, and loyal. One of the most effective ways to foster this engagement is through education benefits.

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HR acts as a catalyst for cultural change and longevity

Content: HR’s impact on workplace culture is significant multifaceted. Through strategic interventions and a steadfast commitment a positive work environment, HR shapes the very essence of organisational culture.

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Building Accountability Through Transparent PMS Practices

Accountability has become a hot topic of discussion in the workplace but what does it mean and why is it so important?

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Caring culture delivers at Gainwell

Discussed India and its demographic dividend, the changes that have occurred post-pandemic, the Gainwell company culture, why their values are the glue that keeps the organisation and its people connected, what the alpha generation is demanding and why he gives them a direct access hotline to his desk and much more.

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Change the Way We Think Change

We can’t predict the unpredictable, and we can’t manage the unmanageable. Therefore, the notion of “change management” needs a complete overhaul–from a top-down, management process to a human-centered discipline. We cannot think of change as a one-time project that we have to manage, instead, as a continuous activity. Change management has to be constant, embedded in every action and every interaction, not a separate standalone process.

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People, Process, Culture and Technology are the fundamentals of hybrid work model

Organisations should not overlook workers whose job responsibilities are not conducive to remote work. To avoid potentially disenfranchising these critical workers, consider options such as flextime, shift work, compressed workweeks, part-time schedules, and job-sharing options.

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How to Engage Gen Z at Workplace

Employees, including Gen Z, are re-evaluating their preferences in life and thereby, allowing flexible work, work from anywhere helps with the ongoing engagement of Gen Z. They prefer to work with an organization that supports their well-being beyond the workplace and helps them integrate their professional and personal lives in a seamless manner.

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