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Cat® MineStar is the mining industry’s most comprehensive and thoroughly integrated suite of technology offerings. MineStar has been delivering results for many years and is proven on mine sites around the world - the majority of them surface operations. As more miners pivot from open pit to underground mines, Caterpillar has expanded our technology portfolio to ensure we’re able to support them just as we’ve done on the surface for decades. It’s no secret that underground mining presents special challenges when it comes to safe, efficient operation. That’s why we tailor our MineStar Solutions to the unique needs of your environment. No matter the size, type or complexity of your underground operation, Cat MineStar can help you deal with the challenges you face every day: Controlling costs. Extending equipment life. Working more productively. And keeping people safe.

Fleet View PDF

Fleet is a fully integrated mine monitoring and management system that uses technology to improve productivity and maximize commodity value. Real-time interaction with mobile field equipment allows mine management to improve machine utilization, track material movement and monitor daily production against plan. Fleet is fully scalable to accommodate a growing fleet of machines or the need for additional capability and functionality.

TerrainView PDF

Terrain enables high-precision management of drilling, dragline, grading and loading operations through the use of advanced guidance technology. It increases machine productivity and provides you real-time feedback for improved efficiency. Terrain makes a wealth of management data available, including information on machine locations and operational status, plus progress toward work plans, and more. With powerful tools that aid in everything from drill planning and blasting to ore control and site planning, Terrain enables more timely and effective fact-based management of all drilling, dragline, grading and loading operations.

Detect View PDF

On the surface, operators in the cabs of large mining equipment often cannot see if another machine or vehicle is too close for safe operation. Detect helps alleviate this potential safety hazard and can also be configured to provide valuable information about site conditions and other assets working in the area. Underground, continuous equipment movement on a longwall face can pose risks to those in the working area.

Command View PDF

Combining the Fleet, Terrain, Detect and Health capabilities of Cat® MineStarTM, Command enables you to implement remote control, semi-autonomous or fully autonomous mining equipment systems—offering unprecedented improvements in operator safety, equipment availability and site productivity.

Health View PDF

Cat® MineStar Health assists you with improving the reliability of your assets, reducing unplanned downtime and preventing failures that can lead to lost productivity and costly machine repairs by providing products and services

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